Sunday, January 28, 2007

Cleveland Style--Business Casual

I was having my car serviced this week and thought these two salespeople at the Ganley VW dealership looked great. I liked Elizabeth's bright pop of color around her waist and I thought Jonathan looked very smart in his suit with a basic black tee underneath. I decided to highlight them this week, because I think they are both really good examples of the trend towards business casual in the workplace and how it can be done really well. (and I have seen many many examples of when it decidedly does not work!) Both Jonathan and Elizabeth told me that in their particular field, it actually helps when they dress business casual because of the negative stereotypes that have plagued the car industry. They said it makes them appear more approachable. I couldn't agree more!! (By the way, if you live in the Cleveland area, Jonathan is new to the area and single!!!)

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