Cleveland Handmade is a collective of local artists and craftspeople who sell their handmade wares on Etsy. Cleveland Handmade is committed to promoting, teaching, and helping its members and the Cleveland area. Cleveland Handmade members' shops specialize in a wide range of fine and funky craft, including jewelry, clothing, handbags and other accessories, fiber arts, handmade glass, ceramics, paintings and prints, photography, home decor, and repurposed vintage pieces. The members of Cleveland Handmade want to show you — and the world — their favorite places in Cleveland. They would also like to show you that buying locally made goods online is an easy and fun way to start your holiday shopping. Cleveland Handmade is sponsoring a Show Cleveland Some Love Contest. The prize is a $65 gift certificate good at any of the thirteen participating shops. You can use the certificate all in one shop or break it up and spend it in as many shops as you like. How does the contest work? Easy. Visit at least seven of the participating shops and "collect" the answer to this question from each one: "One of my favorite places in the Cleveland area is _________." (Hint: you'll find it on each shop's profile page). Enter the answers in the form HERE, add your contact information, and click the button to submit your entry. The contest ends on October 26, 2007, so enter NOW.
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