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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Cool Site of the Week--Art and Design Online
As a small indie jewelry artist, I know how important it is to get the word out to the mainstream about the beauty and value in seeking out and shopping from independent designers, artists and craftsmen (THE reason I started this blog in the first place). So, I am always happy to come across sites that also promote this idea. Art and Design Online is a fabulous tool for the artist and designer community as it connects the artists with sophisticated collectors, buyers, galleries and enthusiasts around the world. A&D has an extensive database of artisans from around the world in categories such as jewelry, fashion, photograpy, painting, decorative arts and furniture (to name a few!). There are three forms of membership: a visitor membership (for buyers who want to participate in the community), a basic free membership (the ability to upload 4 images of your work, a link to your site, ability to participate in the community) (I have been a member for about a year, you can see my free listing HERE), and a premium membership ($9.95 a month gives you premium exposure on the visual site, and numerous other benefits.) Also, right now, A&D is accepting entries for the 3rd Art and Design Online Invitational--a series of exhibits that showcase and promote the creative talents of their members. The current exhibit can be viewed now at A&D and Youtube. Click HERE for information on how you can participate.
roThat dress is wonderful and the photography. Thanks for the info.
Absolutely gorgeous. I want that bag.
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