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Friday, September 14, 2007
Easy Style
I just did some browsing at Max Studio and I am loving some of the looks from their look book. This is one of my favorites...The voile origami pleated shirt, paired with the wide legged, high waisted pants, is perfect for work when paired with the eco-friendly soybean and cashmere short sleeved sweater (as shown left). Take off the sweater though, add some stilettos, some long dangly earrings, and some red lipstick, and I am set for some drinks after hours. Elegant, sophisticated, and downtown chic.
I can't do the high-waisted pants. I was alive when we wore them that way regularly and the thought of all the fabric makes me itchy.
I am in lovvvvvve, however, with the origami shirt and that darling short-sleeved sweater. Yummy!
LOVING the sweet little sweater. I just bought a blouse online at that will look perfect with it. Thanks for sharing!
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